Listen to a story online by clicking on one of the links below.

Storyline Online can be accessed
You can access Barnes and Noble's online story time
Clifford's Interactive Storybooks
On this site, there are four interactive stories and lessons. Each book comes with a related phonics game. Teachers- the books and games can be played on an interactive white board.
Clifford Interactive Storybooks, Phonics Fun for Early Readers
Between the Lions
Listen to reading with from clips the PBS show. Words are on each page and highlighted as they are read. The site includes folk and fairy tales, fiction and nonfiction
here to access Between the Lions
The Official Web Site of Robert Munsch
Listen to Robert Munsch read from 42 different books on his website! These are not e books, but they are a great way to interact with your printed books. Kids can also see the story behind each book: how Munsch came to write it. Also, the books can be downloaded to an mp3 player.
here to get to his website.