Mrs. Alchin's Second Grade
Welcome to Second Grade! I graduated from Towson University in 1991 with a Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education, and from Loyola University with a Master's degree in Special Education. This will be my 29th year teaching, 13 of which have been here at Edgemere. I have taught IGE-3, Pre-K, 1st grade, 2nd grade and Inclusion. I am very excited to be moving up to second grade this year.
When I am not teaching, I am spending time with my family. I live in Edgemere with my husband, daughter and son. I enjoy traveling, watching sports, reading and of course teaching. My favorite author as a child was Judy Blume.
Please continue to check back for upcoming news and information and, as always, please feel free to call the school or email with questions or concerns! Thanks in advance for all of your support in making second grade successful and fun for your learners! Please read the information below to find out what we'll be doing throughout the year.
Unit 1: Exploring Elements of Fiction
Unit 2: Exploring Elements of Non-Fiction
Unit 3: Tales Over Time
Unit 4: Unique Animals Everywhere
Unit 5: Exploring the Concept of Change in Literature
Unit 6: Figure It Out
Unit 1: Addition, Subtraction, and The Number System 1 (How Many of Each?)
Unit 2: 2-D Geometry
Unit 3: Addition, Subtraction, and The Number System 2 (Solving Story Problems)
Unit 4: Data Analysis
Unit 5: Measurement
Unit 6: Addition, Subtraction, and The Number System 3 (Number Games)
Unit 8: Addition, Subtraction, and The Number System 4 (Twos, Fives, and Tens)
Unit 9: 3-D Geometry
Social Studies:
Geography Basics
My Local Community
My State is a Community
My Nation is a Community
X Marks the Spot
Creeper and Creature Features
Making Waves
A Healthy and Safe Return to School
A Healthier Me!
Keeping Myself Healthy
Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]
School Phone: 410-887-7507
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EdgemereElementary/
Follow us on Twitter: @Edgemere_BCPS
Parent Resources: http://www.bcps.org/parents/