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3rd Grade Units
Edgemere Elementary
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Mrs. Baldwin
3rd Grade Units
3rd Grade Units
English Language Arts
Unit 1 -Roald Dahl Author Study
We will focus on a year long theme of "Investigations." Our first unit of study will be "Investigating Characters and Understanding Others." We will be reading a variety of texts written by Roald Dahl. The following books will be used in third grade this quarter:
Who is Roald Dahl?
James and the Giant Peach
The Fantastic Mr. Fox
The Enormous Crocodile
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Our units are designed to facilitate problem solving and collaborative group work. The following units will be taught this year in third grade.
Unit 1 : Multiplication Concepts and Facts
Unit 2: Place Value, Number Patterns, and Money
Unit 3: Algebra, Addition, and Subtraction Number Sense
Unit 4: Adding and Subtracting
Unit 5: Time, Data, and Graphs
Unit 6: Multiplication Facts, Repeating Patterns, and Growing
Unit 7: Geometry
Unit 8: Division Concepts and Facts
Unit 9: Fractions, Measurement, and Probability
Unit 10: Understanding Fractions as Numbers
Unit 11: Multiplication and Division
Unit 12: Reasoning About Fractions as Numbers
Unit 13: Measurement and Data
Health will be taught once a semester. We will have three health modules.
1. Building Healthy Relationships
2. Healthy Habits
3. Drugs, Decisions, and You
1. Eco-Detectives
2. Saving the Chesapeake Bay
3. Moving Mountains
4. Matter: Just the Facts
5. Safe Racer
Social Studies
1. Living Together
2. ECON & Me