
Parents and schools need to work together for the betterment of the students. Parents play an important role in providing support and building the confidence of their children. Parents should check some of the tips they can use to develop their children’s confidence and improve their school experience.

You will find updated information, from both Baltimore County and Edgemere, to support parents with any questions and concerns on this page.

In case of an emergency at school, please follow these guidelines:
Universal Emergency Response Procedures-Parent Updated Revised7-5-19 (1).pdf

See the following parent handout for information about the Advanced Academics programs for 4th and 5th graders:
Advanced Academics Parent Information.pdf

Do you have a BCPSOne parent account? 
If not, download the handout below for directions on creating one.  Having a parent account allows you to see your student's assignments and overall grades.
BCPS One linking directions.pdf 

Please see the document attached for the EES Behavior Plan!
EES Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support Plan.pdf